
How to extract the e-mail header

When reporting e-mail related issues such as e.g. problems with delivering an e-mail or spam which is slipping through the filters, it is useful to provide our support with the e-mail header which enables our support to trouble shoot the issue. Here, you find guides how to extract the e-mail header for the most common e-mail clients: Thunderbird - Open the e-mail with a double click - On the top right side of Thunderbird, you find an icon with three lines - Push that icon and go "Vi...

Make back up of e-mails

Follow the steps below to perform the backup process in Roundcube web interface. Via Webmail portal 1) Login to your webmail using Roundcube web interface. 2) To backup email to your local computer, select the email and click on the ‘More’ icon from the taskbar. 3) Select the ‘Download (.eml) ‘option from the dropdown list and specify the location to save the emails. The backup of email has been completed now. However a major disadvantage of using the above method is that you can...

Create email address

This interface allows you to add and manage email accounts for your domains. - log in to your Servage account - go to "E-mail" and choose "Overview": - scroll down to the bottom of the page and push the green button "Add New Email Account" - enter the details for the new e-mail account and push the button "Save"

Change email Password

-> Login to the control panel -> Email -> Email accounts -> choose the domain in the pull down menu 'SITE' for which you want to change the e-mail password -> Push the 'EDIT' option in front of email address -> Select 'GENERAL' option and Enter the new password in the appropriate text boxes. -> Save the changes.

Email Alias

Email addresses can be difficult to remember, resulting in mistakes when people try to send you email. But good news! You can request an easy-to-remember nickname (alias) for your email address. To create an alias, -> Login to the control panel -> Email -> Email accounts -> Push the 'EDIT' option in front of email address -> Push the 'Aliases Enter email addresses that you want to act as aliases. An alias will forward incoming email messages to the entered email account.

Create new email forwarder

This interface allows you configure an email address to forward copies of incoming emails to another address. Email forwards are used to dispatch incoming email messages to a group of recipients. -> Login to the control panel. -> Email -> Email forwards -> Select Site i.e domain name -> Click on 'ADD' -> Fill in the form with the desired address -> In the Forward to text box, enter the destination address or addresses separated with comma's -> Save the changes.

Default email account or Catch-all

This interface allows you to set up a default address (catch-all address) that receives any mail for an invalid email address for the domain. -> Login to the control panel. -> Email -> Default account -> Select Site i.e domain name -> Select Status as 'ACTIVE' to activate this function. -> In the 'Default Email Address' field enter the default valid address. -> Save the changes.

Do you support the Exchange services in your e-mail?

No, we have the current situation is not any services such as Hosted Exchange.

Email Protocols

Server Settings Incoming Server Address (IMAP): Port: 143 Incoming Server Address (POP3): Port: 110 Outgoing Server Address (SMTP): Port: 587 NOTE: Even if you want to use TLS connection for emails, the details remain the same as above. Make sure authentication is enabled for your outgoing server in your email client. MX-Records : Your Servage MX-Records have this syntax (replace with your real domain name): ...

How to add an Email Account to Mac Mail

- In Mac Mail, go to the Mail menu and click on Preferences. - Click the Accounts icon in the Mail Preferences window. - Click + to create a new account. - Select POP from the drop down menu. - Enter your email information: User Infomation: Your Name: This is the name that will be displayed when sending your email Email Address: Enter the full email address Logon Infomation: User Name: Enter the full email address, example: Password: Enter ...