If anyone gets error 'No releases available for package "pear.php.net/PEAR"' when installing pear and mail by following steps given on the below link :


The solution in these cases are to follow the following steps from the Linux terminal SSH client:

1) Create a file called .bash_profile in root of your account via file manager.

2) Add the below line

export SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt

on the first line in the file and save it.

3) Now, logout from shell (if you have already logged into the SSH) and login again, the .bash_profile is read once when first logging in.

4) Login as the customer with your SSH user on ssh.servage.net host and follow the directions in the helpdesk article (https://helpdesk.servage.net/065289--Install-Pear-and-Mail) and the install should now work correctly.