
No releases available for package "

If anyone gets error 'No releases available for package ""' when installing pear and mail by following steps given on the below link : The solution in these cases are to follow the following steps from the Linux terminal SSH client: 1) Create a file called .bash_profile in root of your account via file manager. 2) Add the below line export SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt on the first line in the fi...

Install Pear and Mail

Client needs to use it to send mail via SMTP in php. It is not present server wise, but you can manage pear packages trough ssh for their account, or just upload the libraries manually In all of our SSH accounts, PEAR's "package manager" is now installed and all siters PHP.ini now have a default inclusion that means that no paths need to be corrected to quickly get started, for example. send email via SMTP in PHP. Install PEAR + Mail 1. Start by logging in to your SSH account (The account cre...

How to install Wordpress from SSH?

First login in ssh using putty or any other ssh client 1. Go to the correct directory where we want to setup our blog and need to download the files and extract them there. Supposing the directory you want your blog to be installed under is blogdemo residing under the www directory, you will use the following command: cd www/blogdemo/ 2. Now download WordPress using the 'wget' command. wget tar xfz latest.tar.gz this will download and extrac...