Which ports are open in your firewalls?

Firewall rules:

If you have an account on our shared environment, the following firewall rules are applied to inbound and outbound traffic. 

# Inbound traffic 
Only ports linked to the services we offer are open, so it is not possible for Servage customers to set up their own services. 

# Outbound traffic The 
following ports are open for traffic outside, please note that we do not make any exceptions to the rules below.


Port Description
21 / tcp FTP traffic
22 / tcp Secure Shell (SSH)
25 / tcp SMTP (Outbound Email)
37 / tcp udp TIME protocol
43 / tcp Whois lookup
53 / tcp udp DNS lookups
80 / tcp HTTP traffic
110 / tcp POP3 traffic
123 / tcp udp Network Time Protocol (NTP)
143 / tcp IMAP traffic
2195 / tcp & 2196 / tcp Apple push
443 / tcp HTTP (S) traffic
465 / tcp SMTP (S) (Outgoing Email)
587 / tcp Submission (alt or SMTP)
993 / tcp IMAP (S) traffic
995 / tcp POP3 (s) traffic
1433 / tcp MSSQL traffic
3306 / tcp MySQL traffic
4567 / tcp Various payment systems 
5999 / tcp cvsup
8080 / tcp HTTP traffic (all or HTTP)
11371 / tcp OpenPGP HTTP key server