Plug Ins

Writing your own WordPress plugin

Plenty of our customers running WordPress. It is easy to install and handle via the Servage application installer ( It is a very popular tool since it has tons of features, and can even be extended with plugins – adding custom functionality. There are very many plugins available already, by individual developers and other web services, to integrate with and extend WordPress. You can find a directory of most existin...

Writing your own WordPress plugin

Plenty of our customers running WordPress. It is easy to install and handle via the Servage application installer ( It is a very popular tool since it has tons of features, and can even be extended with plugins – adding custom functionality. There are very many plugins available already, by individual developers and other web services, to integrate with and extend WordPress. You can find a directory of most existin...

Configure the WordPress heartbeat

Configure the WordPress heartbeat WordPress heartbeat is an API service introduced from WordPress version 3.6. As the name indicates, heartbeat API sends continuous pulse (technically referred as tick) to perform periodic tasks. This helps the browser to talk with the server using AJAX calls and provide real-time information on the WordPress dashboard. This can also use up large amounts of resources. Install the Heartbeat Control Plugin to counter heartbeat. To install the Heartbeat ...

WooCommerce and Wordpress

Enhance your WordPress and add an Onlineshop to it. Read the following information to find out to install your WordPress and your WooCommerce plug in via your Servage hosting account. Before we go into details, lets desribe in few words what WooCommerce is. WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce plugin for WordPress that lets you build all kinds of online stores. It lets you turn a basic website into a website with a shop which WordPress can’t do that by itself. If you install and activate the Wo...