
Back up of files and databases via Application Installer

The following procedure only works if you installed your application via the Servage application installer. In order to make a compressed back up of your installation, follow the following steps: - log in to your Servage account - go to Domains and Websites > Application installer - push the button "Manage" for the location where you want to make the back up - choose "Backup" from the drop down menu: Follow the system then and the system will create a backup which include al...

How to export a database dump via SSH

log in to your SSH account and execute this line: mysqldump -h [SERVER] -u [USER NAME] -p [DATABAS]> dumpfil.sql This command exports your database and saves it as "dumpfil.sql"

Find databases in server backup (SSH)

Does Servage offer backups for files or databases if they are deleted accidentally ? Yes!!, files and databases are stored in between 7 - 14 days by snapshots. - login to the SSH - type cd /storage/content/yy/xxxxxyy/.snapshots (make a note of dot before the word 'snapshots') Backups are saved in "db_backup" folder in customers homedir i.e in under the root (/) (every night is overwritten there), and this can also be revised by using snapshot for older bacakups. This is how it looks...

How to export a database dump via phpMyAdmin

- log in to your Servage account - go to Databases > MqSQL - push the button 'phpMyAdmin' and log in with the database username and password. If you dont know these information, please check here ( - in phpMyAdmin, there is a menu on the top. Choose 'Export' - Choose the format of the database back up and the destination where you want to save the back up file

How can I import a database backup via SSH

Export a MySQL db to file: mysqldump -h [SERVER] -u [USER NAME] -p [DATABAS]> dumpfil.sql -> This command exports your database and saves it as "dumpfil.sql" Import a MySQL db from file: mysql -h [SERVER] -u [USER NAME] -p [DATABAS] <dumpfil.sql -> This command imports your dump file into the database, it will overwrite existing tables of the same name!