Our system is designed to give you fast and reliable access to your data. But, please note that it is necessary to carry out maintenance on your databases to keep the good performance up. Also, some small things need to be considered in order to run your databases smoothly. Please keep a close watch on the following points:

  • Save only a limited amount of log files (e.g. 10.000 entries or 10 mb) in your database. We recommend to put such files directly into your webspace.
  • Don't save either pictures, PDF-files etc. in your database. Please save such data as files in the filesystem.
  • Don't use your database for multi-Blog or multi-Fora installations.
  • Protect your database-based webapplication (fora, guest books, comments etc.) from spam-bots or individual spamming.
  • We recommend limiting the size of the database to a maximum of 100 mb for the best performance. Databases can however be larger.
  • Optimize your database on a regular basis.