DKIM TXT records

Customers can add the DKIM TXT record themselves from the Servage control panel.

  • login to your Servage account
  • Go to "Domains and Websites" and navigate to "DNS"
  • choose the site for which you want to add the record.
  • you see now a list with all DNS records added to the domain and all associated subdomain.
  • push the the green button "Add":
  • Push the button "Advanced":
  • now you can select "TXT" from the drop down menu "Type"
  • Enter the DATA record under double quotes only, for example : "data of your record"

If the record provided is longer than 256 characters which is why it can't be added correctly - is due to a limitation in DNS for TXT records.
Long records has to be split up in several segments of quoted strings for it to be successfully added, for example:

"segment1" "segment2" "segment3"

Make sure to preserve any spaces in the actual data.

For example,

"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvIO3HzxmGfuUnZI6ZQJmi1U0J3XgEQ0KtMxtdCv3aK0z2350SZNuUqmhxbVe0tWA3wWYNvLw+ve8d8bqnkDyWMk07mZSqe33DWUcNSb9a2ZrvUY5hLpKk////+Qhit0oC6fi7n7fViMMjW9ddGDA3fA485wPRIGfD+CzJeZtuwFNwWnPknjnoSu2yk8NwkeiN5Oz41ocCW4mXamzwomdsiqP3ta6NZU0qY/HQiR8Rmd6vKmS8514tcH0CRZEr8oNS3Ql0pIft2WB5s0x/yUMy9d97a7WoJzWIg1EPAZwaGvdtx9PEJhrXnegapzoYNUCB34MHqspdIAIyWsyUU7iNwIDAQAB\;"

In this particular case it should work correctly if you input it like this:

"v=DKIM1; k=rsa;" "p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvIO3HzxmGfuUnZI6ZQJmi1U0J3XgEQ0KtMxtdCv3aK0z2350SZNuUqmhxbVe0tWA3wWYNvLw+ve8d8bqnkDyWMk07mZSqe33DWUcNSb9a2ZrvUY5hLpKk////+Qhit0oC6fi7n7fViMMjW9ddGDA3fA485wPRIGfD" "+CzJeZtuwFNwWnPknjnoSu2yk8NwkeiN5Oz41ocCW4mXamzwomdsiqP3ta6NZU0qY/HQiR8Rmd6vKmS8514tcH0CRZEr8oNS3Ql0pIft2WB5s0x/yUMy9d97a7WoJzWIg1EPAZwaGvdtx9PEJhrXnegapzoYNUCB34MHqspdIAIyWsyUU7iNwIDAQAB\;"

NOTE : Unfortunately our mail service doesn't have any support for DKIM.